Bohu swjećene lěto

Cycle of selected hymns for children

On this CD sing the sorbian scholas Storcha, Bautzen, Crostwitz, Nebelschütz, Panschwitz-Kuckau, Radibor, Ralbitz, Räckelwitz and Ostro.

1 Cyril a Metod 00:02:44
2 Adwent 00:03:24
3 Wo swjatej Borborje 00:01:14
4 Hospodupytanje 00:02:28
5 Hody 00:02:05
6 Třoch kralow 00:01:46
7 Spěw Bethlehemskich spěwarjow 00:01:36
8 Po popjelnej srjedźe 00:02:50
9 Jutry 00:02:50
10 Swjatki 00:03:05

11 Přećel 00:02:50
12 K Jězusowej wutrobje 00:02:58
13 Prěnje swjate woprawjenje 00:02:32
14 Ministrant 00:03:04
15 Bože ćěło 00:02:00
16 Róžant 00:03:32
17 Maćeri Bože Róžeńčanskej 00:03:00
18 Žně – kermuša – domchowanka 00:01:22
19 Swjaty Měrćin 00:02:10
20 K swjatemu Benej, japoštowej Serbow 00:02:20

The streaming for this CD is technically still being prepared.

The streaming for this CD is technically still being prepared.

1 Cyril a Metod 00:02:44
2 Adwent 00:03:24
3 Wo swjatej Borborje 00:01:14
4 Hospodupytanje 00:02:28
5 Hody 00:02:05
6 Třoch kralow 00:01:46
7 Spěw Bethlehemskich spěwarjow 00:01:36
8 Po popjelnej srjedźe 00:02:50
9 Jutry 00:02:50
10 Swjatki 00:03:05
11 Přećel 00:02:50
12 K Jězusowej wutrobje 00:02:58
13 Prěnje swjate woprawjenje 00:02:32
14 Ministrant 00:03:04
15 Bože ćěło 00:02:00
16 Róžant 00:03:32
17 Maćeri Bože Róžeńčanskej 00:03:00
18 Žně – kermuša – domchowanka 00:01:22
19 Swjaty Měrćin 00:02:10
20 K swjatemu Benej, japoštowej Serbow 00:02:20


Recording, mixing and digital editing by Siegbert Himpel, Studio Audioentertainment, Gołkojce.
Producer: Měrćin Weclich
Editing: John Petrik
Illustration and graphic design: Steffen Lange
Photos: Maćij Bulank

Joint project Foundation for the Sorbian People and the Association Cyril and Metod e.V.

LC 00695

© + ℗ Foundation for the Sorbian People, Bautzen 2000.

1st Edition 2005

ZP 19 / 00 CD

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